Amazon Alexa Meets IBM Domino – Sneak Peek

Here’s a sneak peek of the app I will be featuring on an upcoming NotesIn9 screencast:


Replace “WordPress” with “Yellow Bubble”: An Open Letter to the WordPress Community

A few years ago, I fell in love with the WordPress community, as I have spoken about.  Even my wife sees people she has never met, as family.  The people I have had the pleasure of meeting in the WordPress community have made a dramatic impact on my life, and I thank you all, but some of you have become the thing I dread each day.

You know, I used to enjoy checking Twitter and see what many of you are up to.  Now, I scroll through occasionally; only to usually see some kind of bullshit labeled as #wpdrama.  Some of you are nodding but haven’t the slightest clue of what I’m talking about.  I’m not protesting those who bring up controversial topics.  I’m protesting those who slap a #wpdrama label on something and sweep it under the rug.

To be fair, I went through this same thing years ago in the Lotus “yellow bubble”. It was a dark time for me personally, but I took myself out of it and am now in a much better place. Does anybody remember the term “attack kittens”? Again, this is way in the past and you really need to read the article. Bubbles are everywhere and some now call them “pimples” that need to be popped.

I highly recommend that you read this post by “Jeff Matson” entitled “An Open Letter to the WordPress Community“.

Using IBM Watson Tone Analyzer with Python

Here is a sample Python program that you can use to analyze the tone of text using IBM’s Watson Tone Analysis service on Bluemix. To get started with Bluemix you can sign up at Feel free to use and modify the code as needed.

# CTEC 121 Intro to Programming and Problem Solving
# Bruce Elgort / Clark College
# Using IBM Watson's Tone Analyzer to detect and interpret emotional, social, and writing cues found in text.
# February 26, 2016
# Version 1.0

import requests
import json

def analyze_tone(text):
    username = 'your username'
    password = 'your password'
    watsonUrl = ''
    headers = {"content-type": "text/plain"}
    data = text
        r =, auth=(username,password),headers = headers,
        return r.text
        return False

def welcome():
    message = "Welcome to the IBM Watson Tone Analyzer\n"
    print(message + "-" * len(message) + "\n")
    message = "How it works"
    message = "Perhaps a bit too aggressive in your emails? Are your blog posts a little too friendly? Tone Analyzer might be able to help. The service uses linguistic analysis to detect and interpret emotional, social, and writing cues found in text."
    print("Have fun!\n")

def display_results(data):
    data = json.loads(str(data))
    for i in data['document_tone']['tone_categories']:
        print("-" * len(i['category_name']))
        for j in i['tones']:
            print(j['tone_name'].ljust(20),(str(round(j['score'] * 100,1)) + "%").rjust(10))

def main():
    data = input("Enter some text to be analyzed for tone analysis by IBM Watson (Q to quit):\n")
    if len(data) >= 1:
        if data == 'q'.lower():
        results = analyze_tone(data)
        if results != False:
            print("Something went wrong")


Slack Bot – Slack Channel Tone Analysis Using IBM Watson

In this video, I demonstrate how I used IBM Watson’s Tone Analyzer service to analyze an entire Slack channels’ textual content history. The bot allows you to select the channel you want to have analyzed and then presents charts displaying the various tones in the channel.

Slack Bot – IBM Watson Tone Analyzer

Slack Bot – IBM Watson Translation Services