Amazon Alexa Meets IBM Domino

I had the honor of becoming a contributor for the outstanding NotesIn9 Video Podcast produced by David Leedy. In this show, I demonstrate how I built and Amazon Alexa Skill for the IBM Domino based IdeaJam app. If you have any questions, please let me know. I would be more than happy to answer them! Thank you, David, for having me on. More videos on building Alexa Skills coming soon.

Author: Bruce Elgort

You’ll find this technology professor – an award-winning instructor at Clark College – working hard to inspire and challenge his students with meaningful web development and programming experiences. With a skinny vanilla latte (no foam) in hand, Bruce loves to tinker and test the boundaries of existing and emerging technologies, to then guide hungry minds through memorable, educational journeys to showcase with passion the ever-evolving innovations of society. An industry leader, Bruce is known for co-developing Elguji’s IdeaJam software, and is recognized by IBM as an ‘IBM Champion’ for being an innovative thought leader in cloud technologies.

One thought on “Amazon Alexa Meets IBM Domino”

  1. Interesting – Too bad that we did not meet with you and David @connect this year, as some of our Darwino demos where around Alexa.
    Basically, we created a generic AWS lamba that calls a Darwino micro service, written in any JVM supported language (we used Groovy). The micro services are in fact hosted live in the playground, like:
    One of the great point of Darwino over Domino is the JSQL query capability, well suited for executing dynamic queries and craft replies for Alexa. The architecture of the micro services also allows them to be portable across over AI system, like Watson, Cortana, Siri…
    I’ll release a video soon.

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