Eliza Greenwood: The Convergence of Digital Marketing and Accessibility

This week’s Business Web Practices lecture features Eliza Greenwood, a web professional who focuses on marketing and social media deliverability concerns for people with disabilities. Eliza Greenwood is a freelance digital marketer and accessibility evangelist. This means she attends bleeding edge accessibility conferences, meeting developers and designers who are working on digital solutions that make the web accessible to people with disabilities, then working with clients to ensure accessible marketing. Eliza also examines social media use in this space, identifying opportunities for better accessibility and to keep a pulse on varying trends across channels. When not working from home or out meeting clients and nurturing relationships with talent, Eliza enjoys hiking and tracking real estate with her wife and friends.

This event is a part of The Business Web Practices Speaker Series curated by Clark Instructor Bruce Elgort. It is held on Wednesdays throughout Fall Quarter, 4:30-5:50PM, Main Clark Campus, Foster Auditorium (FHL 126). This event focuses on business leaders as well as those with successful careers in web development providing their insights on opportunities and challenges that face those who practice commerce and provide services for our local communities. All sessions are free and open to the Clark community and the public at large. Again, be sure to check out the complete list of programs and speakers as well as closed captioned videos of past speakers at http://bit.ly/CTEC165 and at http://bit.ly/CTEC165Videos

Author: Bruce Elgort

You’ll find this technology professor – an award-winning instructor at Clark College – working hard to inspire and challenge his students with meaningful web development and programming experiences. With a skinny vanilla latte (no foam) in hand, Bruce loves to tinker and test the boundaries of existing and emerging technologies, to then guide hungry minds through memorable, educational journeys to showcase with passion the ever-evolving innovations of society. An industry leader, Bruce is known for co-developing Elguji’s IdeaJam software, and is recognized by IBM as an ‘IBM Champion’ for being an innovative thought leader in cloud technologies.